Dnyanprassarak Mandal’s College & Research Centre

Affiliated to Goa University and Recognized by UGC

Migration, TC & NOC

Application for Migration, Bonafide, Transfer & No Objection Certificate

Any student who is in need of any Bonafide, Character, No Objection or Transfer Certificate should apply for the same in the prescribed application form available at the college office by paying the required fees.

Bonafide Certificate:                  Rs. 20/-
No Objection Certificate :          Rs. 20/-
Transfer Certificate :                  Rs. 50/-
FY/SY/TY Transcript:                 Rs. 200 per copy.


Migration Certificate

Students migrating to other Universities other than Goa University should fill up the Goa University Migration form, which is available in the office .

Fees : Rs.50/- by cash to be paid in the college office and Demand draft for Rs.300/- issued in favour of Registrar, Goa University, payable at Taliegao Plateau. (Subject to change).

Student has to surrender the University Registration Card. In case of loss of University Registration card, the student has to file a police complaint and a copy of the FIR to be submitted along with the application for Migration.

Application duly completed in all respect should be submitted at the college Office counter.

Please note:College will forward the TC to Goa University, which in turn will send TC and Migration at the address mentioned by the student on the Migration form. The whole process can take one to two months.